Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Things I avoid in my diet (especially my kids!)

1. Artificial colors (including "caramel color") - So unnecessary most of the time! Annoying. Bad for you. No.

2. Carrageenan - Inflammation? Cancer? No thanks!

3. Hyrdogenated oils - Pretty hard to avoid but worth it to cut down in your most eaten items. 

4. MSG (aka autolyzed yeast extract, etc) - Extremely hard to avoid in all its forms but not impossible. It's worth the effort.

5. "Natural" and "Artificial" flavors - So natural it can't even be named...right. And artificial is just that: not real. Let's eat real flavors and real food. Please.

6. High fructose corn syrup - Too much of any sweetener is bad, but why make it worse? 

7. Non-organic apples, strawberries, raspberries...and most of the EWG's dirty dozen when possible. Pesticides = poison. Poison is bad for you.

8. GMO's - Less is mo' bettah. Buy organic when you can. Limit your non-organic items containing soy, canola and corn oil. Olive, sunflower, and coconut oils are great alternatives.

Reading labels is not obsessive! Since when is educating yourself a ridiculous thing to do? Knowing what you're eating is smart. Taking care of yourself and your children's bodies is responsible. Supporting products that agree with these values is common sense. 

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Yesterday's devotionals...

I had started a post but must have not saved it before jumping up when the kids woke up and it's gone. :( I had a good ah-ha moment and I hope I can get the same notes down here again...

•slow down sometimes!

•Starting off with reading my bible is so hard, for me, but getting easier. I want it to be engrained in me. I know I need that time with God and the Word but I am so distracted all the time.

•Already seeing the difference in myself when I pursue my quiet time more diligently. My daily struggles are not as powerful over me.

I rise before dawn and cry for help; I hope in your words. (Psalm 119:147 ESV)

•learning to give him the daily battles not just remember the big wars.

Today's devotionals

•There's so much good that comes with the "bad" or hard parts of being a parent.

•Must continue to take notes as the beautiful things of life and children happen, so I can reflect on them when I'm down.

•My kids are a gift and truly answers to prayers I prayed to become a mom.

For this child I prayed, and the Lord has granted me my petition that I made to him. Therefore I have lent him to the Lord. As long as he lives, he is lent to the Lord.” And he worshiped the Lord there. (1 Samuel 1:27-28 ESV)

•Doing vs Being a witness... Not always about the activity of witnessing, but just being a witness from the inside out.