Friday, May 28, 2010

Congrats and Surfing like girls

It's been an interesting couple of weeks - in a good way.

I just watched the Celtics win the Eastern Conference title, after an intense series with the Orlando Magic. The series was up and down and it gave new perspective for me on certain players. I used to like Dwight Howard, but now I see how dirty he really is. I know some Celtics have a reputation for playing dirty, but at least they are more upfront about it. Dwight thanks God every time he's on camera and complains about every call on him just cuz his eyes weren't watching his own elbows and hands as they come down on players. For Celtics, Rondo is still the bomb, and Nate Robinson came through like Doc predicted. Nate gave a straight up shout out to Jesus Christ when he was interviewed (not just God, but Jesus Christ), that's bold, just like he played, I like it. Congrats Celtics!

The Idol finale was Wednesday and it was Lee who took it home. He definitely deserved it; his journey was the most inspiring and his growth was the most evident. Congrats Lee!


Last week I got to surf with my ladies! A girl I know and I have been trying to get together for a while. We know each other because I shop as much as she works pretty much, lol. She is an awesome chic. J and I met up with her at Waikiki and the surf was present for us to enjoy. Had a good time and hopefully will again before she moves to Big Island. :(

The week before, my friend from Seattle was in town, and we got to surf twice in a week. It's another friend that I never hung out with one-on-one in Seattle, but once she visited, we hung out 2-3 times, and we even met her family. That's the aloha life I'm talking about.

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