Well we made it to full term, thank goodness. And it's 2011! Now I've been obsessing over final preparations, as well as every little thing I feel in my body (wondering if labor is starting, lol). Last night I realized that I need to refocus. I need to realize that it will happen when it's going to happen and just cuz I had a "feeling" he was gonna come early doesn't mean it's true. I mean even if he comes in 2 weeks that's still days before my due date and would be called "early." Anyways, I want to refocus on my husband and our time together while we still have it uninterrupted. I love my quality time with him and I will definitely miss what we have. That doesn't overshadow my excitement of growing our family and being a mommy, but it's all just a part of my full bag of emotions I feel these days.
I wanted my first post of the year to be a letter to my baby boy, but I've put it off too long and needed to update. I'm doing well, just trying to stay busy and somewhat active. We went to the zoo today and I got the longest walk in a long time. I've been walking at least every other day but not for miles - I'm too lazy for that, haha. Tried to swim occasionally but it's been colder here (i.e. in the low-70's to mid-60's). Had slowed my weight gain unintentionally but I seem to have caught right up. Still my doc wants me to go in for an ultrasound to make sure he's growing at a healthy rate still. That appointment is tomorrow (well, today, at 10am).
Not much is new, just growing a bit still and getting more aches and stronger Braxton Hicks contractions. Looks like we'll be having a baby shower gathering this coming Saturday. That should be fun, and even better if we can get all the people we know to be there. We don't need anything right now but I'll be thankful for a few more gift cards for later and just to celebrate our baby on the way with our Hawai'i ohana.