Tuesday, October 28, 2014

"I" does not exist

I don't have time to do much crafting. I've got ALL the stuff I need...except time. I wish I could have a space to do my thing. I honestly am not able to just start a project in a snap. I need to get in the zone. Plus if I get interrupted I honestly get frustrated and I - I can't even get these thoughts down without being rediculously interrupted.

---20 min later

Anyways it hurts and pisses me off when my hubby says I need to get rid of stuff cuz I don't use it like it's my choice that I don't get to have time to do the things I want to do. WTF. I don't have down time; it's called bed time, but I have to sleep when they do or I'm groggy on top of stretched thin and that is never a good day. I focus all on my kids because they should be the priority. I truly believe that and put my all into that. That's why all those I's above don't exist.

I seriously need to be back in Seattle surrounded by family and friends. I'm not healthy here ALONE in Hawaii. 

I exist there.

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