*SuRpRiSe* I got in on Thurs evening and have only begun to relax today. From my first stop until noon today I've been surprising people - some in person, some by phone. I know it's silly to visit so soon after leaving, but for real, I miss home.
Don't get it twisted; I love Hawai'i. There's not a lot that I don't like, but my heart♥ is truly in Seattle. This is something I'm realizing even more now that I'm back. I don't regret moving and I will enjoy my time in Hawai'i to the fullest, because it's an awesome place to live. I will miss the surf, sun, beaches, ocean, heat, and vibe for sure. It's just that those things don't replace what I've built here in my hometown.
It's been slightly challenging to get around without my own car of course, but I'm doing what I can while I'm here. Please pray for logistics and that I can get everything and everyone into my schedule. If I didn't hate being away from my husband so much I'd stay longer, but he's what's missing from my joy right now.
I'm loving time with my cat and parents at their new house. That's been sweeeeeet. I'll be helping them paint in the next day or two - a heavy task but I like to paint, I just hope we can get most of it done while I'm here. Their house looks so nice with new hardwood floors (installed via my bro!). Makes me more excited for when we'll come back and buy our house. Mmm-hm.
I'll be visiting the in-laws tomorrow, so I'm glad for that too. I miss them! I'm blessed with the kindest, most loving in-laws I could have asked for. It'll be nice to catch up in person and watch Wow-wow-wee like old times. Hehe...
Well I'll have many pics to post on my recap of this visit home. Stay tuned!