Saturday, January 7, 2012

Stayed home all day today. Just had no motivation to go anywhere. Feels good to stay home sometimes but today I felt blah all over I guess. It didn't help that my dear son was having a rough day himself - which always means my day will be that much harder. He just seems to be entering the willful defiance stage. You know, testing the waters, pushing me to my limits. He'll do something until the very moment I'm about to grab him, or he'll listen until I turn away or blink and start up again. Oh man, this boy.

I'm sure I need to get off my butt more often now that he's so mobile (and sure to walk in the next month or two). We'll make it a routine to spend some time at the beach most days since that's his favorite place anyway.

I wanna add in some art time for him too; it's in his blood to be artistic. We tried out some crayons with him today and he loved it. As long as I keep him occupied he's happy; he really needs it and asks for it. Plus I gotta wear him out so he'll nap better, lol. He's such a boy.

I ♥ my boy!!

Been trying to utilize the art stuff my mama gave me for Christmas in my spare* time. Got a thing for peacock feathers lately, so I want to get good at drawing them. I've always liked them but my interest has been peaking more recently. I love the vibrant, rich colors of the feathers, and the shape is elegant and even something sensual about it. Whatever it is about them, I'm exploring their beauty with different mediums. First I did colored pencils (Prismacolor), then tonight I tried crayons (Crayola).

I like the first one better since I had more options for colors with the pencils. It was fun working with crayons though. Don't think to play with those too often. That's one fun part about having kids: you get to relive some of those fun childhood elements all over again.

*Spare time is defined as time I occasionally choose to indulge myself when I should probably be cleaning up, cooking, napping or all of the above.

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