Wednesday, December 12, 2012

I have one amazing boy

We got his lil froggy potty and his potty seat (for the big potty) only a few weeks ago and he is doing better than I had already expected! He is impressing me for real. We have been doing part time elimination communication by giving him a little naked time every day (or at least no bottoms). He has been using his potty so well, going to it when he has to go. Of course we've had our accidents along the way, but more successes than set backs. Thank goodness for our tile floors! He's such a smart boy and I'm so thankful for his cooperation, and I'm just so proud of him.

All this is on the tail end of officially weaning him from nursing too. We went almost two years, but all good things must come to an end. I will definitely miss those times. Now look at this new journey we already started. Always bittersweet to see him growing up, but I never want to be too selfish and hold him back. I can feel that drag on my heart sometimes, but my deepest drive is to help him grow up and be there however he needs me.

I love this kid so much. He is one amazing boy.