Monday, December 1, 2014

New realization and prayer

I don't like challenges. Real ones. Not the kind you know you can overcome; those are fine. I mean the ones that bring doubt and change and mess up my plans.

I consider myself flexible, but where is my heart? I consider myself resourceful, but can I remain joyful?

I want to be better at greeting  a challenge. I want to welcome it and walk towards it with confidence in myself that I can do it. That my first thought would be that God's plan is unfolding and my plan has always been blessedly obsolete at best.

If I grow in Faith, I will grow in flexibility. If I grow in Hope, I will grow in happiness. If I grow in Spirit, I will grow in strength.

Please pray for me.

Thanks! :)

*Jan 17, 2015 UPDATE*
I know someone is praying for me because I'm doing better. My mind goes back to this post, this prayer, and I have more peace and a little more patience. Continuing to move forward I hope! God is challenging me and showin me how much he believes I can handle.

*Aug 12, 2015 UPDATE*
I forgot about this post. I can honestly say I'm not as afraid of obstacles nowadays. I'm not a model of peace or faith but I can be hit with a problem or challenge and be ready to pray and make a decision. I think haha. Definitely less fear and less doubting myself in this area of life.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

"I" does not exist

I don't have time to do much crafting. I've got ALL the stuff I need...except time. I wish I could have a space to do my thing. I honestly am not able to just start a project in a snap. I need to get in the zone. Plus if I get interrupted I honestly get frustrated and I - I can't even get these thoughts down without being rediculously interrupted.

---20 min later

Anyways it hurts and pisses me off when my hubby says I need to get rid of stuff cuz I don't use it like it's my choice that I don't get to have time to do the things I want to do. WTF. I don't have down time; it's called bed time, but I have to sleep when they do or I'm groggy on top of stretched thin and that is never a good day. I focus all on my kids because they should be the priority. I truly believe that and put my all into that. That's why all those I's above don't exist.

I seriously need to be back in Seattle surrounded by family and friends. I'm not healthy here ALONE in Hawaii. 

I exist there.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Being selfish (no.1)

I got tired of living my life by only following through with something based on guilt or anger. I didn't like that my actions or decisions were primarily based on other people; either I didn't it to make them happy, or I did it to hurt them. Or I would only have the motivation to get something done because I was channeling frustration into action.

Relationships guide our decisions but they should not completely govern them. I value being considerate and aware of others, but I despise being controlled or manipulated by others (as most of us do). 

So what did I do? Well I still struggle today with this sometimes - a lack of motivation or follow-through. However I have a better understanding of what I am responsible for: other peoples' feelings isn't one of them. Not that I don't care how my actions affect others, but it will not make my decision for me anymore. 

I know myself better too, and what I need or don't need, and I respect my own boundaries. For example, I can't remember the last time I over-committed myself to too many activities. I just don't say yes if I'm not 100% sure I'll have the time or energy to commit. Saying no is selfish, but sometimes that's okay.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Things I avoid in my diet (especially my kids!)

1. Artificial colors (including "caramel color") - So unnecessary most of the time! Annoying. Bad for you. No.

2. Carrageenan - Inflammation? Cancer? No thanks!

3. Hyrdogenated oils - Pretty hard to avoid but worth it to cut down in your most eaten items. 

4. MSG (aka autolyzed yeast extract, etc) - Extremely hard to avoid in all its forms but not impossible. It's worth the effort.

5. "Natural" and "Artificial" flavors - So natural it can't even be named...right. And artificial is just that: not real. Let's eat real flavors and real food. Please.

6. High fructose corn syrup - Too much of any sweetener is bad, but why make it worse? 

7. Non-organic apples, strawberries, raspberries...and most of the EWG's dirty dozen when possible. Pesticides = poison. Poison is bad for you.

8. GMO's - Less is mo' bettah. Buy organic when you can. Limit your non-organic items containing soy, canola and corn oil. Olive, sunflower, and coconut oils are great alternatives.

Reading labels is not obsessive! Since when is educating yourself a ridiculous thing to do? Knowing what you're eating is smart. Taking care of yourself and your children's bodies is responsible. Supporting products that agree with these values is common sense. 

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Yesterday's devotionals...

I had started a post but must have not saved it before jumping up when the kids woke up and it's gone. :( I had a good ah-ha moment and I hope I can get the same notes down here again...

•slow down sometimes!

•Starting off with reading my bible is so hard, for me, but getting easier. I want it to be engrained in me. I know I need that time with God and the Word but I am so distracted all the time.

•Already seeing the difference in myself when I pursue my quiet time more diligently. My daily struggles are not as powerful over me.

I rise before dawn and cry for help; I hope in your words. (Psalm 119:147 ESV)

•learning to give him the daily battles not just remember the big wars.

Today's devotionals

•There's so much good that comes with the "bad" or hard parts of being a parent.

•Must continue to take notes as the beautiful things of life and children happen, so I can reflect on them when I'm down.

•My kids are a gift and truly answers to prayers I prayed to become a mom.

For this child I prayed, and the Lord has granted me my petition that I made to him. Therefore I have lent him to the Lord. As long as he lives, he is lent to the Lord.” And he worshiped the Lord there. (1 Samuel 1:27-28 ESV)

•Doing vs Being a witness... Not always about the activity of witnessing, but just being a witness from the inside out.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Dear booboo girl...

You're going to be a year old in about 48-hours. Holding you as you fell asleep tonight, it really started to sink in. You aren't a tiny baby anymore, you're a toddler already. You've been walking for a month now and you're so eager and independent when we go places now. You may not like shoes much at this point, but I promise that will change.

Even without much hair, you are a beauty. When you smile it is so contagious, especially when you scrunch up your nose. So cute. You make us all laugh every day with your aggressive love of food and the way you jump/dive on us and your brother.

You and your manong Kole are so close, and I always pray it would stay that way the rest of your lives. No one will be your friend for longer than your sibling. He may be rough with you sometimes, but he also already knows how to protect you. It's a beautiful thing to see the love you two have for each other already.

My prayers for you, Alexandria, are that you would learn from your mistakes as well as others. That you would be a strong woman with a soft heart. Know your worth and expect others to treat you as such. My prayers for you will be endless as my love. We won't always be friends, but I'll always do what I feel is best for you. After only one year of having you in my life, you have changed me for the better. Thanks mamacita.


Monday, March 17, 2014

Just wow

Posted January 22, 2014
(Posted to my other blog by accident)

Just wow

1. Long story short: we moved. (Details later...if I can find my way out of all our crap!)

2. My precious boy has a place to play outside. I could literally cry tears of joy. Just seeing his smiling face when he runs back-and-forth right outside our front door is an amazing feeling.

3. I have a priceless friend, named Nicholei. She is an angel. Not only because she packed and moved and cleaned all our crap, but she really knows how to be a true friend through and through.