Saturday, June 23, 2012


Well Kole is down to nursing only about 4 times per day now. It's a good thing cuz he seems to accept when I offer food rather than "mum-mums." i definitely don't offer anymore unless it's all we have while we're out. Today he didn't nurse from about 9am until 10pm. Luckily my body has adjusted to less feedings so I'm just going with the flow.

A part of me really didn't wanna quit breastfeeding. It's such a special time with him. Then another part of me is ready, I guess...kinda. I want him to be getting the most/best calories that he can and if that's not from me, then I am happy to feed him something else. I've rarely felt burdened by breastfeeding on demand. It's been a great thing for us and I hope I'm this successful with future children.

It's weaning for both of us; a new chapter in our relationship as he transitions to more of a separate person from Mama. Only the first of many things I'll have to let go of in his life as he grows up. *sigh*