Friday, January 27, 2012

1-year letter to Baby Bear

Hi boo boo,

You are sleeping right next to me right now. Your face makes me smile just as big as the first day I saw yours. Your daddy and I love you so much. Even after we put you to bed, we laugh and cherish the moments we shared with you that day.

You are 1 year old now. Wow. I hope you had fun at your first birthday party. There's one more to come here in Hawai'i. I love that so many people want to celebrate the life of my baby boy. You are truly worth celebrating!

I'm loving your personality and watching you learn every day. You are funny, smart, sweet and tough all at the same time. My prayers for you are endless but include that you would stand strong in your faith for God, that you would know your worth, and you would have more patience than me or your daddy. :)

I love you, son. No matter how fast you grow or how big you get, you'll always be my baby bear.

Yo Mama

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