Tuesday, August 4, 2009

What a day

4 Aug 09

4:10am  Woke up feeling a little sick from lack of quality sleep on top of dreading heading to my up-selling, cap-and-apron-wearing, matching-socks-having, corporate cafe. 

4:23am  Called the asst manager who unfortunately did not answer, and I chose to leave a voicemail. Tacky? Maybe, but I didn't wanna have to call back! It was hard enough already, but I did break up with them via voicemail.

4:40am  Realized I was way too wound up to sleep right away; adrenaline & thoughts racing.

6:52am  Surfing the web a bit for jobs and FB stuff. I sent my resume and references to a local cafe (after researching the way they do business). Shortly after, I did go catch some more zzZZZ's.

Too long of a day to finish it frame-by-frame. Basically, I slept for a couple more hours. Woke up with an email reply from the cafe saying they would call me in the afternoon and would like to have me come by. Yessssss!

Went to the beach with boo for a few hours, then we got our car safety inspected (Hawai'i's version of Emissions Test). We passed and got our Hawai'i license plates on our car! Feelin' pretty local now. Even feeling like I have a better radar for tourist vs locals - haha. :) 

I confirmed an interview time of 7:00pm. Ate some hamburger helper and my boo dropped off at the cafe to meet him at the beach after. The cafe is owned by an awesome couple. I met with both of them and it went great. The wife is strongly against corporate coffee and concerns herself with conservation/recycling - my kind of woman! We hit it off and I'll be going back in about 7-hours to hang and observe operations to make sure it's a good fit for both sides. In no way do I want a repeat of my recent experience! Praying this is where God would have me, and that I would have peace if it is so. (...cuz I sure didn't have peace about the first job!)

So gonna sleep now since it's another eventful day planned ahead. I'll be meeting with the owner again as I observe, then going surfing with boo, then eating lunch at Uncle's, then picking up the lil cousin (beach, pool, etc), and eating all in between ;).

Sorry this was condensed. I had so much detail to share, but it's late (again).

Ah Hui Hou

1 comment:

  1. That's funny. I think it's easy to spot the locals, it's the brown people.. and the tourists, well, you know.... ;)

    just kidding. hawaii is full of colorful locals =)
