Thursday, January 21, 2010

Hawai'i is home too

My last day in Seattle was so nice. I got to hang with so many of my ladies and it felt good to catch up and just be present with them as we celebrated one of my bestie's engagement and birthday. We went to the Seattle Wedding Show and walked around downtown. Being downtown in Seattle is almost indescribable for me. Not because it's an overwhelming feeling, but I guess it feels good in the way that I love city vibes, and the familiarity of those streets and those lights and those buildings. Later, we got ready together for the birthday dinner in Bellevue: a table full of 12 young women, eating and sipping wine for hours, laughing and taking pictures as often as possible. I like.

So we got back safe and sound on Sunday afternoon. We could feel the heat right off the plane and it felt great! Of course, I wanted to nap when we got home and J went to try and surf. I was successful, but south shore didn't have much to offer my boo. I can't wait for summer swells over here.

Being back after visiting again, feels different this time. I can feel Hawai'i becoming more and more a part of me and what life is for me. As much as Seattle will always be my hometown, I find myself calling this place "home" as well. And with my other bestie coming to move here in the next couple weeks, that will probably have some effect too. :) Not that I don't see us moving back, as planned, but as relationships grow and life flows I can find more comfort and connection with Hawai'i.

I can't forget to mention as well that my honey and I are now open for business in the baby department. We'll have to wait and see when God says yes. I am just as scared as ever but even more excited since we're in agreement that we both want to try now. Yay!

I'll keep ya posted...


  1. I got warm fuzzies reading this. In a way, I feel like I'll be missing out living in Hawaii with the day to day things of friends and family in Seattle I've learned life goes on and people live on and I need to do the same. I'm glad that Hawaii is becoming more and more "home" for you too. WE got to live it up while we're there!!

  2. thanks nickie :) yeah, WE will live it up and continue growing together, i can't wait!
