Monday, July 26, 2010

I'll call it, "Feeling pregnant"

So I'm about 14-weeks along now and just saw the doctor for our monthly check in last Friday. She didn't seem convinced that our due date should be changed so I've adjusted it in my mind a couple days, Lol. All I was happy to hear was the sound of our baby's heartbeat through the doppler. What an amazing sound.

Heading into this second trimester I'm barely showing at all but I'm feeling more pregnant...I think. Not that I really know what that feels like since this is my first, but that's what I'm calling it. I am so tired and so hungry, and my back is hurting. The tired and hungry I get, but back pain already?! It's my lower back, mostly on the left lately. It will even shoot down my leg if I lean just right. Fun stuff. I used to think it would flare up from lying down too much, but recently it starts to hurt when I've been standing or walking a bit. I may need new slippers or orthotics for my work shoes. I may need to actually take a break at work. I may just need to wait until my body continuously adjusts to its changing self; that could take a while. I expected back pain when I have a cantaloupe in front of me, but not a lemon.

Still working my 3 shifts per week and exercising 2-3 times per week. I'd say I'm active enough, which I hope in time will curb my fatigue. I definitely miss surfing with my boo, and he misses it too. :( That was our quality time for almost a year. We're learning how to spend time in the ocean together other ways and even going for more walks. It doesn't replace surf time but I just love spending time with my love either way.

I can barely imagine being pregnant anywhere else. It's warm here, always, but not too hot if you're in the right spot. You can wear comfy dresses every day without freezing. The ocean is your playground and you won't ever be the only preggo in a swimsuit. It would be even harder to get me off my butt if it was cold outside haha. I'll have to experience that at some point but for now, I'm loving where I'm at for my first pregnancy.


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