Sunday, July 11, 2010

>>How I'm feeling at 12-weeks

Today brings us to 12-weeks in to our pregnancy. I am feeling more changes than I can see, but a part of me wishes it was visible to people outside of me.

I can feel my body changing as the fetus develops - currently it's the size of a lime! Growing so fast, which explains my appetite. I don't mind eating a lot but I can't seem to eat much at once, and I usually don't want to eat something again that I've recently eaten. I know, picky, right? Hey, my body speaks and I just do what makes it feel best. I wish it were that easy when it comes to getting dressed and staying comfortable while lying down. I currently don't have any jeans I can wear if I plan on eating. Not a big problem, since I have dresses and skirts, and other kinds of pants, but I'm technically not really showing so it's deceiving to myself. I'm a little poochy but nothing that would cause a stranger to ask themselves "Is she pregnant?"...more like, "She must like beer and chips." The small bloat I have is exaggerated to only me because of how I feel. I do feel like a weightiness in my pelvic area and like there's so much going on inside (cuz there is!).

As far as sleeping, I have to move slower when I turn over or I get a strong pain in my sides/waist. It was shocking the first few times, but apparently common, even before you have the extra weight in front. Even when I'm lying on my side I can feel some pull. I've started propping my tummy up with a folded wash cloth for now. I'm sure I'll be searching out a nice body pillow in a month or two. Once I get to sleep these things don't seem to bug me much, but getting to sleep at night can be an issue too. For some reason I'm feeling energized at night again. I'll be sleepy but my mind races and wants to talk. Funny...for a little bit.

All this said, I should be clear that I'm so happy to be pregnant. I'm excited to show off my baby bump once I get one. I'm fascinated by the changes going on with my body, even if I'm not quite adjusted yet. God created us so strong and amazing to carry life inside of us. I'm in awe and honored to be having a baby and to be a mama. This is what I've always wanted! :)


Tomorrow is ultrasound #2. It's a screening for down syndrome and any other anomalies. Kinda nervous but confident since we are young, healthy and our family history is relatively clean. I am mostly excited hoping I get a new picture of my baby-to-be! That is the fun part.

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